The Boys' Bugle

A Christian magazine for boys featuring things of both a spiritual and physical nature.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fall 2008/Winter 2009

Click here to open the Fall 2008/Winter 2009 pdf file.

Editor’s Desk …………………...3
Still Alive…………..…………...8
Proverbs 3:1-10………………….11
A View from the Hill……………12
God’s Ways are Best for Me……13
Turn it Over……………………...14
Axe to the Root………….………16
Thoughts on Selflessness…….…..18
Hand-cuffed at Gun-point….…….20
To Compose a Letter…………….23
The Power ... Your Life………….26
Spelling Baseball ………………..30
The Spoil Sport………………….30
Dear Fathers and Mothers……….31
