The Boys' Bugle

A Christian magazine for boys featuring things of both a spiritual and physical nature.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

More about the oil press

Steve posted some information about the oil press and LED lighting on his page. There is also a few movies that I took of the press running. It's nothing impressive. I am not the best video camera man. To see it go to:

Also here is an older post on Steve's site about the oil press and about the ice house.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Oil Press is Running

We got the oil press set up and running. Last week we ran some sunflowers through it. Yesterday we ran some flax seed through it, but the seed was too dry and it just plugged up. Today we tried again with some water mixed with the seed. But we got it too wet. So we had to run it through the press more than once to get the oil out. We are kind of like some city slickers trying to farm. But we are figuring it out. It sure helps to ask people that have experiance what they would do.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Winter 2007

Click below for the files in the Winter 2007 Issue.

The Boys' Bugle

Vol. 6, Number 3

Editor’s Desk……………….…...3
Honouring Our Parents………...4
Fryer Oil Adventures………..…..8
Steam and Passion……………..10
The Empty Steam Engine……...10
From our Readers:……….…….12
Moral Foundations…………..14
Our Ice House……………….15
My Thoughts on Honor.….…..16
A Good Marriage……….……..18
Who Gets the Honor?………….20
Here in the North Country……..22
Timely Tips…………………...22
No Excuses, No Regrets…….....23